When you spend 30 hours working with someone, it’s safe to say you’re going to get to know them! How they work, how they respond to direction, how easy they are to get along with, how talented they are. Debbie threw herself into this project completely; she was keen to learn about the technological processes involved in making a text-to-speech voice, and it was clear that she cared as much about her relationship with myself and the team as she cared about the recording work itself.
In spite of the fact that this job had a narrow focus in terms of vocal style, Debbie brought a lot to the table. Her voice is uniquely rich, smooth, and resonant, and she delivers lines with skillful control.
Our entire script is read from sight. Voiceover artists often expect this to be a breeze, and it can be an unpleasant surprise for both parties when it turns out that this isn’t the case. However, Debbie’s cold reading skills were excellent, as well as her ability to pronounce often difficult foreign names.
In short, I have nothing but good things to say about working with Debbie. She is both a true talent and a wonderful person.