It’s the start of a new year, you’ve written a long list of new year’s resolutions, and now the first one is staring at you, demanding to be fulfilled: eat healthier. I can’t help with that one, but I can help with finding and landing voiceover opportunities! Are You Building a Voice or a Voiceover […]
Making Sense of Voiceover Lingo is nothing quite like being casually tossed acronyms or other voiceover terms you’ve never heard of before. The logical advice is to speak the truth simply, say you don’t know what the acronym means, and ask for an explanation. The more painful reality is that not knowing your terminology can be seen as unprofessional. […]
8 Myths About Narration Voice Over
The entertainment industry is rife with myths, and voice over is no different. Unfounded rumors and misconceptions can hold you back as an artist, so, let’s shed some light on some of the biggest myths about narration voice over and set the record straight. 1. Narrations Are Boring Narration isn’t boring. But it can be […]
What Voiceover Artists Need to Know About Contracts + Confidentiality
We all have to make mistakes to learn, right? So when I do make a mistake, I try to not beat myself up (too much), then I dust myself off and get back in the race smarter than before. In the interest of saving you from any self-flagellation, I’ll share my story about voiceover contracts […]
Minnie Cho – Learning To Do Good In This World: It’s Easier Than You Think
As many of my readers know, I started this Drawn Together blog series as a way to highlight medical animators and illustrators. The people who create the medical imagery we see every day and everywhere in our lives. From the ubiquitous red and orange Coronavirus image to simple signage in hospitals. From data visualization charts […]
How Do You Celebrate Recovery One Day At a Time?
All pennies start out the same color- bright copper. But throughout their lifespan, they begin to lose their luster, because they’re reactive metal. And depending on the penny’s environment, some can look black or tarnished. But don’t be fooled, a dull penny doesn’t lose its worth, it just needs some cleansing. And what better month […]