As you know, if you’re on my mailing list, and/or have been in touch via social media (@DebbieIrwinVO), I was in Japan!!! Not only was it an amazing experience, it was so different. I’m not talking about the obvious differences, language, food, etc. I’m talking about the little things that we as Americans don’t seem to put much thought into.
Journeys Beyond the Booth
I’ll Love You Forever
The last time I wrote this blog was for Mother’s Day, just a couple of weeks ago, and I wrote about mourning the figurative loss of my daughter to addiction. While she is doing better, one day at a time, I’m now confronted with literal mourning, for my mother. She died on Friday, May 13, […]
Mommy Fearest
Now, I see how blind I was.
Now, I struggle with letting go of everything I thought was true.
All the dreams I had for my kids, all the expectations, and any image of who they were to become.